Joint Staff Training Event: Enhancing resilience through innovative techniques

In the last week of May, the #MeRest partnership organised a three-day Joint Staff Training Event in Carpi, Italy. It brought together experts and practitioners from different countries to align their understanding and improve their methodologies in strengthening resilience. This diverse group included volunteers, creative professionals and adult education professionals such as social workers, sociologists and psychologists. Their different backgrounds enriched the event and promoted a multidisciplinary approach to resilience training.

The main objective of this activity was to test the results of the #MeRest Project and to ensure that the tools and methods developed were effective in practice, offering specific working methods and teaching techniques tailored to the project’s target groups. We can certainly say it was a success!

The event began with an in-depth exploration of the Resilience Framework. Participants delved into the background and theoretical underpinnings of resilience, setting the stage for more practical applications. In addition, we had the opportunity to attend the presentation of the Horizon project “Futuresilience”, which provided insights into cutting-edge research and future directions in the field.

A relevant aspect of the training was understanding how different target groups in different european contexts were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, in order to share awareness of these impacts and emphasised the need for tailored approaches to support different groups.

Furthermore, during the training we explored various artistic and creative techniques to foster resilience building. The use of cards facilitated the exploration and understanding of emotions, while various artistic techniques provided hands-on learning experiences. These included creating ‘resilient’ masks and our resilient self (hero), drawing and reinterpreting personal experiences and using blackout poetry to create new poetic texts through creative expression.


We’re so happy to say that we wrapped up the event on a high note! The participants left with new skills and insights, and a shared commitment to promoting resilience in their respective sectors and communities.

To stay update about the project progress please visit our website or follow us on the most popular social networks with #merest_project and #resilience.