Merest 2nd newsletter is out

We are pleased to announce the launch oftwo new resources on the #MeRest project website.

These materials have been developed to facilitate the sharing and use of the creative methodologies that have characterised the project, and to offer concrete support to trainers and adults interested in promoting resilience.


Drama Workshop Guidelines

The first resource is a detailed guide outlining the Theatre Recording and Interpretation workshop, based on the Resilience Framework (Copyright Hart, Blincow & Cameron). This workshop, the last of the three planned in theproject, focused on creating podcasts in which participants shared their resilience stories. In the process, theydeveloped key skills such as flexibility, problem solving and creativity. In addition, through lessons and activitiesaimed at improving voice, interpretation and expressive reading, participants engaged in an innovative and immersiveartistic approach that allowed them to share their experiences in a new way.

These workshops have proven to be a powerful tool for building personal resilience by providing a safe and stimulating space to explore one’s own experiences. The guide provides all the information needed to replicate and adapt the activity in different contexts, giving trainers and participants the opportunity to explore resilience through art and storytelling.

In addition, the guide presents a collection of podcasts created during the project in the five partner countries – Lithuania, Romania, Italy and Greece – available on the project’s YouTube channel: @MeRestProject.


Drama workshop Handbook

The second resource is a practical handbook designed to promote resilience through creative activities. The handbook provides guidelines, best practices and strategies for replicating the outcomes of the #MeRest project, with a focus on workshops aimed at developing emotional and social skills. It is aimed at those working with adultsand organisations with the aim of improving wellbeing and promoting personal growth. Complementing the other project resources, the handbook serves as a useful tool for adapting and replicating the proposed activities to strengthen resilience and promote social inclusion, especially among the most vulnerable groups affected by challenging events, both personally and collectively.

The manual introduces the theoretical foundations of the Resilience Framework and provides the skills needed to implement workshops at local level, ensuring consistency with the pedagogical objectives of the project.

In the handbook you will find:

  • A presentation of the psycho-social impact of the Covid-19 health emergency in Lithuania, Romania, Greece and Italy
  • Best practices from artistic projects that promote resilience
  • An overview of the #MeRest recording workshops in the different partner countries
  • Key outcomes
  • Recommendations for replication
  • Guidelines for trainers

These workshops not only support the growth of participants, but also aim to enhance the professional development of trainers who can integrate their skills with creative techniques in storytelling, visual arts andtheatre by following the instructions provided. In this way, trainers will have the tools they need to build the resilience of participants and help create lasting impact in communities.


Cover picture: Viktoria Slowikowsk on Pexels

This newsletter is available in:


Check the results page to download